Agricultural Logistics Solutions

Distributing produce globally efficiently, ensuring a fair price for both the farmer and the distributor.

gray and black laptop computer on surface
gray and black laptop computer on surface

Who Are We?

We are a company dedicated to exporting high-quality agricultural products globally. We currently export macadamia nuts, avocados, lemons and oranges

Promoting Export For African Farmers

Zimbabwe Farms

We are currently working with farms in Zimbabwe who grow avocados their crop to Europe and get a fair price for their produce.

Watermelon Project

Providing funding to farms in Zimbabwe to grow watermelons for export. Providing inputs to smaller scale farmers relieves the stress of sourcing farming materials and enuring a high quality crop is produces=d.

white and black laptop
white and black laptop
man in gray hoodie and black pants holding brown cardboard box
man in gray hoodie and black pants holding brown cardboard box
Farmer Network

Connecting farmers in Zimbabwe, Rwanda and South Africa with international buyers

Ensuring efficient and timely distribution of crops from Zimbabwe to Europe

Contact Us

For inquiries and more information, please contact us
